7th RAMS / LCC Expert Conference

Novem­ber 14th - 15th 2024 in Dresden

Join the biggest central-European Expert Conference on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety and Life Cycle Costing!

The mee­ting pro­vi­des “thin­king out­side the box” and the sha­ring of infor­ma­ti­on in a pro­fes­sio­nal and honest environment.

Gün­ter Staud­ner, Siemens-Mobility, Par­ti­ci­pant of 5th RAMS/LCC Expert Con­fe­rence 2018

We would like to invite you to Dresden!

After the great recep­ti­on of the first five events, the RAMS and LCC Expert Con­fe­rence orga­ni­zed by IZP Dres­den mbH will take place for the sixth time in 2022.

As the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of a lot of tech­ni­cal stan­dards shows, there is con­stant pro­fes­sio­na­liza­ti­on in the area of ​​Relia­bi­li­ty and Safe­ty Manage­ment, which con­se­quent­ly takes into account the needs of new and estab­lished tech­no­lo­gies and processes.

The RAMS / LCC Expert Con­fe­rence has com­mit­ted its­elf to the neces­sa­ry cross-industry exch­an­ge of expertise.

The con­fe­rence has enjoy­ed great popu­la­ri­ty in recent years. It has the­r­e­fo­re grown up to one of the lar­gest spe­cia­list events for every aspect regar­ding RAMS and LCC. Our part­ner for orga­niza­ti­on and sup­port of this event is the branch asso­cia­ti­on of the Saxon rail­way indus­try, Rail.S.

You may recei­ve fur­ther announce­ments via our Lin­ke­dIn Pages or by regis­tering for our Ger­man Newsletter.

Call for papers

The RAMS/LCC expert forum is a plat­form for the exch­an­ge of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­en­ces and the­r­e­fo­re lives from the tech­ni­cal con­tri­bu­ti­ons of its participants.

If you would like give a pre­sen­ta­ti­on at the expert forum 2024, plea­se sent your sug­gested topic with details of the spea­k­ers, of the topic and a brief syn­op­sis (500 cha­rac­ters) by e-mail latest until April 26, 2024 to veranstaltungen@rail-s.de.

The dura­ti­on of the pre­sen­ta­ti­on should not exceed 30 minu­tes inclu­ding discussion.

All con­tri­bu­tors will recei­ve free con­fe­rence entry and free entry to the evening event.


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