Your RAMS and LCC Engineering Partner

Relia­bi­li­ty, Avai­la­bi­li­ty, Main­taina­bi­li­ty, Safe­ty
and Life Cycle Costing

Scope of Services


Relia­bi­li­ty Cal­cu­la­ti­on
Safe­ty Case and Risk Ana­ly­sis
Func­tion­al Safe­ty (SIL/PL)
Fault Tree Analysis


Life Cycle Costing


Fail­ure Mode and Effects Ana­ly­sis
Faci­li­ta­ti­on and Documentation

Coaching and Education

RAMS / LCC rela­ted Coa­ching and In-house Training


RAMS-Office NG
Ana­ly­sis Software

Data Analysis

Smart Data Appli­ca­ti­ons
Data­ba­se Deve­lo­p­ment and Sta­tis­ti­cal Analysis

RAMS/LCC Dresden Sachsen FMEA Sachsen RAMS-Analyse Sachsen FMEA Moderation Sachsen


Who we are and what we do.

How could your projects benefit from us?

 We are a spe­cia­li­zed ser­vice pro­vi­der for every task in the areas of RAMS (relia­bi­li­ty, avai­la­bi­li­ty, main­taina­bi­li­ty, safe­ty), LCC (life cycle cos­ting) and data ana­ly­sis. As an engi­nee­ring office with lean and fle­xi­ble struc­tures, our team is ready to sup­port you in sol­ving your tasks through tar­ge­ted ana­ly­zes, con­for­mi­ty pro­ving docu­ments and project-related advice and consulting.

Due to many years of pro­ject expe­ri­ence, we are also an ideal part­ner for in-house trai­ning cour­ses or cus­to­mi­zed webinars.

How long has IZP been around?

The Engi­nee­ring Com­pa­ny for Relia­bi­li­ty and Pro­cess Mode­ling (IZP) Dres­den mbH has been exis­ting as a part­ner­ship since 1998. Foun­ders were Dr. Jür­gen Hentzschel, Dr. Harald Jung and Dr. Die­ter Kleest. In 2013, the com­pa­ny was con­ver­ted into a Limi­t­ed Lia­bi­li­ty Com­pa­ny (GmbH).

Who do we work for?

Our cus­to­mers include sys­tem pro­vi­ders and com­po­nent sup­pli­ers, as well as tech­no­lo­gy ope­ra­tors and main­ten­an­ce com­pa­nies. With more than 20 years of suc­cessful pro­ject work, we can refer to exten­si­ve refe­ren­ces from rail tech­no­lo­gy as well as traf­fic and trans­port. Our cus­to­mers are also ran­ging across mani­fold other indus­tries, for exam­p­le the auto­mo­ti­ve sec­tor, mecha­ni­cal and plant engi­nee­ring, aero­space and the field of rene­wa­ble energies.

This enables us to use exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence and syn­er­gy effects to the advan­ta­ge of your pro­ject business.

What do our customers ask for?

The core com­pe­tence of the IZP team is the crea­ti­on of RAM and safe­ty ana­ly­ses and cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, the pro­gno­sis of relia­bi­li­ty beha­vi­or and of life cycle costs as well as the opti­miza­ti­on of main­ten­an­ce pro­ces­ses. In addi­ti­on, we have a lot of expe­ri­ence in crea­ting and faci­li­ta­ting FMEA and FTA, as well as Func­tion­al Safe­ty Analyzes.

Who is the IZP team?

Our mana­ging part­ner, Dr. Harald Jung, has many years of manage­ment expe­ri­ence in a wide varie­ty of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal pro­ject situa­tions. His work focu­ses on the areas of soft­ware imple­men­ta­ti­on and data manage­ment. In addi­ti­on, he is a lec­tu­rer for rail vehic­le main­ten­an­ce at the TU Dresden.

Aut­ho­ri­zed signa­to­ry part­ner Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Küh­nert is your first point of cont­act, when it comes to tasks and pro­jects in the field of safe­ty manage­ment or safe­ty inte­gri­ty, RAM veri­fi­ca­ti­on or FMEA faci­li­ta­ti­on for Euro­pean and world­wi­de pro­ject and deve­lo­p­ment activities.

Area repre­sen­ta­ti­ve Ing. Jür­gen Neu­dorf­sky is at your dis­po­sal as direct cont­act per­son for pro­jects in Austria.

The IZP employees have various engi­nee­ring, mathe­ma­ti­cal and eco­no­mic qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence. This enables us to approach tasks in an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry and solution-oriented manner.

How do we manage international projects?

We can make use of a ste­adi­ly gro­wing net­work of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal experts, tea­ching and rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons and indus­tri­al asso­cia­ti­ons. In this way, even as a small com­pa­ny we can suc­cessful­ly work on large pro­jects tog­e­ther with strong partners.

Good to know for our cus­to­mers: Since we have been trai­ned and expe­ri­en­ced in all forms of remo­te cowor­king and mode­ra­ti­on since years, we are able to cal­cu­la­te and offer our ser­vices for a reasonable budget.

We are par­ti­cu­lar­ly proud of the many years of RAMS pro­ject sup­port in imple­men­ting the rail tech­no­lo­gy in the Gott­hard and Ceneri Base Tunnels.

How do we encourage and promote the exchange of knowledge?

Every two years we orga­ni­ze the Dres­den RAMS/ LCC Expert Con­fe­rence tog­e­ther with the Saxon rail­way indus­try asso­cia­ti­on Rail.S. Over the years, this con­fe­rence had grown to date into the big­gest cen­tral Euro­pean event focu­sed on relia­bi­li­ty and safe­ty aspects.

When should you contact us?

Are you loo­king for an effi­ci­ent part­ner to sup­port you in pro­jects in the areas of RAMS and LCC manage­ment or data analysis?

Would you like to imple­ment a RAMS pro­cess or set up a FRACAS system?

Do you need a spe­cial ana­ly­sis or a cus­to­mi­zed soft­ware tool?

We are con­fi­dent to find a solu­ti­on that meets your needs and requi­re­ments and will final­ly pay off for your company.

We are loo­king for­ward to effec­tively sup­port­ing you with your daily busi­ness needs.

Years of Experience

Project Partners

Partner for
manifold Industries.

From FMEA for entre­pre­neur deve­lo­p­ment com­pa­nies up to multi-year veri­fi­ca­ti­on of the rail tech­no­lo­gy in the Swiss Gott­hard and Ceneri base tun­nel infra­struc­tu­re pro­jects: We pro­vi­de sup­port for many appli­ca­ti­on fields. Thus, our exten­si­ve refe­rence port­fo­lio com­pri­ses mani­fold indus­tries and nota­ble big players.

Ceneri-Basistunnel RAMS FMECA 50126 Validierung Tunnelröhre Bahntechnik Stromversorgung 50 Hz 16.7Hz Fahrbahn Oberleitung NEAT Projekt ARGE CPC IZP Dresden mbH Referenz

At home in Dresden, the Florence on the river Elbe!

IZP Dresden mbH

Am Wald­schlöss­chen 4
01099 Dres­den

Our head office is located at Waldschlösschen area, not far from the historic city center of Dresden.

You can reach us com­for­ta­b­ly with public trans­port via the stop “Wald­schlöss­chen”:

  • Tram Ser­vice Line 11 and
  • Bus Ser­vice Line 64.

Should you want to reach us with train ser­vices or urban rail express line S2 from Dres­den Air­port (DRS), plea­se chan­ge over to tram­way ser­vice Line 11 at
Dresden-Neustadt sta­ti­on (direc­tion: “Bühl­au”).

Stay Up-To-Date!

Our Ger­man News­let­ter will inform you seve­ral times a year about the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the field of RAMS and LCC, our cur­rent trai­ning semi­nars in Dres­den, our web­i­nar spe­cials and about the RAMS / LCC Expert Conference.