RAMS Management

Spe­ci­fy, Opti­mi­ze and Veri­fy
Relia­bi­li­ty, Avai­la­bi­li­ty, Main­taina­bi­li­ty and Safety

RAMS is a process that accompanies system development. It is aimed to prevent failures as early as possible in the planning phase.

Our core busi­ness is sup­port­ing and advi­sing our cus­to­mers on all tasks rela­ted to the RAMS pro­cess as an engi­nee­ring partner.

The aim of the acti­vi­ties and ana­ly­ses coor­di­na­ted within the RAMS manage­ment is to avoid follow-up costs in deve­lo­p­ment and later ope­ra­ti­on and to crea­te the evi­dence requi­red by cus­to­mers, legis­la­tors and appr­oval authorities.

The fields of work ser­ving this goal include the opti­miza­ti­on of relia­bi­li­ty, avai­la­bi­li­ty, main­taina­bi­li­ty and safety.

With our expe­ri­ence and exper­ti­se, we can opti­mal­ly help you to mana­ge all the neces­sa­ry work.

What does the term RAMS stand for?

Reliability ( R )

Abili­ty of an enti­ty to per­form a requi­red func­tion under given con­di­ti­ons for a given peri­od of time.

Availability ( A ) 

Abili­ty of an enti­ty to be in a con­di­ti­on to per­form a requi­red func­tion under given con­di­ti­ons and when requi­red, if the neces­sa­ry exter­nal tools are provided.

Maintainability ( M )

Abili­ty of an enti­ty to be main­tai­ned or res­to­red, under given con­di­ti­ons of use, to a con­di­ti­on in which it can per­form a requi­red func­tion if main­ten­an­ce is car­ri­ed out under given con­di­ti­ons using spe­ci­fied pro­ce­du­res and resources.

Safety ( S )

Free­dom from any unac­cep­ta­ble risk to people’s health and per­so­nal integrity.

Important European RAMS Standards


Railway Applications

EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129, EN 50562, EN 17023

Mechanical and plant engineering and low-voltage systems

EN 61508, EN 61511, EN 13849, EN 12100, EN 60300, EN 61800, EN 62061


ISO 26262, DIN EN 25119


ARP 4754, ARP 4761

Which typical tasks can we take over to support your projects?

  • FMEA or FMECA ana­ly­sis and facilitation
  • RAM stu­dies or RAM demons­tra­ti­on proofs
  • Fault tree ana­ly­sis (FTA)
  • MTBF cal­cu­la­ti­on based on accept­ed standards
  • FRACAS ana­ly­sis and RAM per­for­mance moni­to­ring and reporting
  • Safe­ty ana­ly­sis (Hazard log)
  • Deri­va­ti­on of func­tion­al safe­ty requi­re­ments (SIL/PL/FMEDA) and proof of func­tion­al safety
  • Requi­red sys­tem safe­ty validation
  • Safe­ty case and RAM demons­tra­ti­on for Rail Sys­tems (EN 50126/EN 50128/50129)
  • Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of RAMS requi­re­ments for ten­ders or contracting
  • Main­ten­an­ce opti­miza­ti­on (e.g. RCM analysis)
  • Deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of RAMS pro­ject and manage­ment plan 

What activities does RAMS management coordinate over the life cycle?

Concept and Offer Phase

The con­cept phase is about the deve­lo­p­ment of the cor­re­spon­ding RAMS requi­re­ments for hard­ware and soft­ware and the plan­ning of the RAMS acti­vi­ties in the pro­ject by the respon­si­ble RAMS manager.

This is checked:

  • What RAMS acti­vi­ties are requi­red, and who is respon­si­ble for them?
  • What are the risks in the inten­ded appli­ca­ti­on scenario?
  • Which mea­su­res are nee­ded to limit the risks?

The results are a preli­mi­na­ry risk ana­ly­sis (e.g. Preli­mi­na­ry Hazard Ana­ly­sis), a RAMS Plan and a RAMS Requi­re­ment Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on, which can also con­tain spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for the requi­red safe­ty inte­gri­ty (SIL/PL).


During the deve­lo­p­ment and design phase, the RAMS engi­neers work tog­e­ther with the deve­lo­pers to check whe­ther the RAMS requi­re­ments can be met with the sel­ec­ted sys­tem design.

To do this:

  • The RAM para­me­ters for the indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents and inte­gra­tes them into the quan­ti­ta­ti­ve risk ana­ly­zes and defi­nes the avo­id­ance and detec­tion mea­su­res for errors the preli­mi­na­ry risk ana­ly­zes in depth (e.g.  FMEA/FMECA for com­pon­ents) are determined.
  • The hard­ware and soft­ware for the safe­ty func­tions are deve­lo­ped and docu­men­ted in accordance with the requi­re­ments ari­sing from the respec­ti­ve SIL in accordance with the requi­re­ments of the func­tion­al safe­ty stan­dards (e.g. EN 61508, EN 50129, EN 13849).
  • Appli­ca­ti­on con­di­ti­ons and safe­ty ins­truc­tions are spe­ci­fied for later use.

Production and Installation

This phase is about fina­li­zing the RAMS docu­ments and veri­fy­ing the imple­men­ta­ti­on of all mea­su­res (tech­no­lo­gy, sys­tem docu­men­ta­ti­on) for the accep­tance tests.

That includes:

  • Docu­men­ta­ti­on of the imple­men­ted mea­su­res to avoid errors in the risk analysis
  • Com­ple­ti­on of the RAM and safe­ty demons­tra­ti­on inclu­ding vali­da­ti­on reports and the asso­cia­ted RAMS manage­ment reports for hard­ware and software
  • Com­ple­ti­on of the con­for­mi­ty assess­ment as part of the CE marking
  • Proof of main­taina­bi­li­ty of the system

Operation and Maintenance

RAMS is also an important topic in later operation.

This is about:

  • To know the achie­ved relia­bi­li­ty and avai­la­bi­li­ty of the sys­tem (FRACAS or war­ran­ty case or field data evaluation)
  • Making decis­i­ons on sys­tem impro­ve­ment or main­ten­an­ce opti­miza­ti­on (e.g. via an RCM analysis)
  • Eva­lua­te safe­ty rele­vant inci­dents and deri­ve appro­pria­te mea­su­res in safe­ty management

As a result, the ope­ra­tor or manu­fac­tu­rer is then able to defi­ne rea­li­stic RAMS requi­re­ments for future pro­ducts or to spe­ci­fy upgrades or pro­duct improvements.

Engineering Partner for Manifold Industries

From the initi­al FMEA ana­ly­sis for entre­pre­neur deve­lo­p­ment com­pa­nies up to multi-year veri­fi­ca­ti­on of the rail tech­no­lo­gy in the Swiss Gott­hard and Ceneri base tun­nel infra­struc­tu­re pro­jects: We pro­vi­de sup­port for many appli­ca­ti­on fields.

Thus, our exten­si­ve refe­rence port­fo­lio com­pri­ses mani­fold indus­tries and nota­ble big players.

Reliability Centered Maintenance Moubray Fristenplan Anlage Asset Fahrzeug Schienenfahrzeug Maschine Instandhaltungsplanung Optimierung Instandhaltungsoptimierung IH IH-Strategie Instandhaltungsstrategie Ersatzteilbedarf Ersatzteilbestand Lagerbestand Luftfahrt Turbine LCC-Optimierung Instandhaltungskosten senken Verfügbarkeit erhöhen

RAMS for Rail System Applications

We have been enga­ged as RAMS pro­ject sup­port part­ners in a varie­ty of rail indus­try pro­jects, main­ly accor­ding to the world­wi­de appli­ed Euro­pean stan­dard EN 50126. If you are loo­king for an engi­nee­ring part­ner to sup­port your pro­jects with plan­ning, ana­ly­sis, veri­fi­ca­ti­on and vali­da­ti­on of the neces­sa­ry RAMS tasks in all life cycle pha­ses, your pro­ject can bene­fit from our support.

Validierung Referenz Bahntechnik Schienenfahrzeug Sicherungstechnik Stellwerk RAM-Nachweis Sicherheitsnachweis FMECA FEMA Gefahrenprotokoll Validierungsbericht